Social Welfare

Social Welfare

Social welfare initiatives within the Mising Autonomous Council (MAC) are designed to address the diverse needs of the community, ensuring equitable access to essential services and promoting overall well-being. These initiatives encompass a range of programs aimed at improving healthcare, education, livelihoods, and social inclusion among the Mising people. Healthcare services provided by the MAC include the establishment of health centres, mobile clinics, and outreach programs to deliver primary healthcare services to remote areas. Additionally, initiatives such as immunization drives, maternal and child health programs, and awareness campaigns on sanitation and hygiene contribute to improving health outcomes within the community. Education initiatives focus on enhancing access to quality education through the construction of schools, provision of educational materials, and scholarships for underprivileged students. Adult literacy programs and vocational training opportunities are also offered to empower individuals with valuable skills for employment and self-sufficiency. Social welfare programs further encompass schemes for economic empowerment, housing, sanitation, and disaster relief, aimed at enhancing the overall standard of living and resilience of the Mising community. Through these efforts, the MAC endeavours to foster social cohesion, equality, and sustainable development for all its members.